Saturday, September 11, 2004

Don't whine about one child!

My brother has recently posted on his blog (David Jaime Jason), about the trials of loading and unloading a baby into an enormous car seat in a two door truck. He no longer gets to complain about this. Today I took David, Ellie and Alex on a field trip. Ellie and Alex are my roommates four and eight year old children. Getting three children into and out of a two door truck goes much like this. Walk everyone across the street to the truck, put David in the seat next to his car seat, get into the truck load David, get out of the truck, load Ellie's car seat into the truck, load Ellie into the truck, load the stoller into the back of the truck (being careful not to crush the balloons), pick up the bag of goldfish (the crackers not real goldfish) that has fallen on the ground and finally unlock the passenger side door for Alex to get in.

Getting out was pretty much the same only in reverse and with the added hassle of now doing all of this while keeping the helium filled balloons from escaping out of the car. I had to take Ellie's car seat out of the truck each time because the car seat is wide enough only to fit a 4 year olds butt and mine is a little wider. Somewhere out there is a family car just waiting for this family.

In other non-related news, my friend Will that I have known for almost ten years and who lives in North Carolina, is headed to Florida to help with the clean up from the previous two hurricanes that have struck. He is however, headed directly for hurricane Ivan which I just learned was upgraded to a rare category five. So please pray that Will returns from Florida safely so that I can know him for another ten years!

And that concludes this broadcast!


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