Sunday, November 28, 2004

Find Neverland soon!

Tonight I went to see Finding Neverland at the Allen Theatre. Before the show, instead of the normal teen pregnancy, movie trivia clips, they played an old black and white movie. The movie was accompanied by and organ player who's hands moved so fast that he looked like he was a cartoon character.

After the Silent Film the theatre owner stood on the stage and told us about upcoming events and movies at the theatre. He then invited us to come and talk to him if there was ANYTHING that was disruptive to our movie viewing pleasure.

The movie itself was amazing. It was worth every bit of the $7 that I paid. I actually felt like I should be paying more to see it. The acting was flawless, the scenes were breathtaking and the story line had me laughing and crying from start to finish.

This movie was the perfect ending to my Thanksgiving week.


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