Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ladder 49

Last night I was a little stir crazy and a little sick of constantly being in a house were other people are. I have nothing against the people I live with except that sometime they exist and it interferes with my alone time.

So, I decide to go see a movie. I thought that the Incredibles would be a nice choice, plus it was the only movie that I thought I could make. I have to drive through Mayberry to get to a real movie theatre and no one starts their "7 o'clock" shows at 7:00. They all start at 6:20.

Okay off track again. My point is I paid $7 to see a cruddy movie surrounded by annoying children. The Incredibles is a matinee movie or maybe even a rental. Sorry.

When I left the theatre I felt that I had been cheated out of $7, the movie was cruddy, the kids were loud and the people were still in my house.

To rectify this situation I snuck into Ladder 49. Hold your moral judgments for another day. I didn't see the beginning but I saw probably about 3/4 of the movie and it was FANTASTIC. I have always feared fire but I left wanting to be a fireman, or marry a fireman. I highly recommend this movie, especially to Joaquin Phoenix fans.

Parts of the movie were almost documentary like, parts of the movie I was holding my breath, and even more parts I cried.

Go see the movie, IT was worth my $7.


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