Saturday, December 25, 2004

This Crazy Christmas Season!

Today officially started the madness that is the Christmas season. Okay the madness may have started four weeks ago when the work schedule became a life style and the house and family became a blur and a faint memory. It could have also started when Christmas packages started to arrive (thanks family) or during the mad dash to Christmas shop on the one morning that I did not have to work. I however prefer to think that the madness started today. Today was the last day of work (until Sunday), today was the first day I was able to see my family as more than loud blurs, today was the day the table caught fire, today was the day I unwrapped my first present, today was a good day.

Oh, what was that? How did the table catch fire? Well it all started when Trisha and I loudly and in unison said, "Hey, Pernille, don't let Tanner have any matches, he will catch the place on fire."! Several hours and presents and a meal later we split up to watch various movies and tv programs in various areas of the house. Trisha was curling my hair while we watched Oceans Eleven in the basement when an alarm went off in the movie, wait there isn't an alarm in the movie, hmm. I can't really remember the next minute or so but I do remember smothering a fire with towels and listening to Marla (in mid swing) complement my hair.

I love when things come together for a reason. We had planned on going for a driving tour to see the Christmas lights or going to Harrisburg to see a movie. If we had left the house, or if the fire alarms did not work (and trust me they work REALLY well) we might be out of a house, or out of a Christmas, out of the joy of our pets and our clothes and all of the other things that we take for granted everyday. Tonight as we stood around the table surveying the damage (which was not much) I thanked God a thousand times that we were okay, that we didn't go to the movies.

Ocean's Twelve can wait for another day because my family will go to bed tonight knowing that they are safe. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe, comforting night!


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