Monday, October 25, 2004

Defending Tigger

Now that my brother has posted my cry for help to his blog I must defend Tigger, in all his glory, on my own blog.

Several years ago I was dating a fellow that apparently did not take hints too well. What guy does. We were at the Disney store and they had Grumpy pajamas (Grumpy from the Seven Dwarves). This is perfect for me because, as many know, I am grumpy in the morning and what better way to let people know I am grumpy then to be in Grumpy pajamas. I actually think I said all of this to him in a loud animated voice while tugging him towards the pajamas.

With only two weeks or so left before my 21st birthday, I thought the hint was a good way to get what I wanted without him feeling the need to even think about it. On the way out of the store I faintly remember passing the halloween costumes and hearing him comment that they were great costumes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah but did you see the Grumpy pajamas, aren't those perfect for me."

Two weeks or so later for my birthday I was handed a Disney Store bag. Not a gift bag but the actual store bag. Inside was.... A Tigger costume. I am sure that the look on my face at the moment was priceless. While I was telling him thank you on the outside, on the inside my mind was saying, "Why would you get me a Tigger costume? I am not a big fan of Winnie the Pooh or Tigger too. Why would you spend $70 on a Tigger costume to celebrate your girlfriends 21st birthday? That is in August? Where are my Grumpy pajamas? Is this a joke? Why did you give me my gift in the store bag, with the receipt and the price tag? Why are you smiling you dork this is a stupid gift?"

I smiled and made up an excuse as to why I could not try the costume on right then and there. I then shoved the costume into the bottom of his closet and left. Years later when we broke up I fought with him to get the costume back because "I love that costume even though the price tag is still on it".

Tigger has been my costume for the last two years and Fed Ex willing it will be for a third. So yes I am 25 years old and I wear a full Tigger costume (with voice box) while I Trick-or-Treat and yes my older sister in law is very envious of my costume but I am proud and will not be held back by the evil taunting of my brother.

So drive on Fed Ex man and get me my costume by Halloween!


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