Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The $64,000 combination

I am poor. This is okay, I sacrificed having money so that I could go home to see my family. I only worked 3.78 hours the week I got back because school started so on Friday I only was paid for 3.78 hours. The truly sad part is that paycheck quadrupled the amount in my savings account.

I am getting chubby, well I have been progressively getting chubby over the last six years, slowly but steadily. One way to ward off future chubbiness and get rid of the existing chubbiness is to go to the YMCA and to eat healthier.

This weekend I was too poor to buy food so I ate ham and cheese sandwiches all weekend (not helping with the chubb).

In order to go to the YMCA I need to have a locker so that I can get ready at the YMCA because it is behind my school and I do not have the money to pay for the gas to go from the YMCA to my house and back to school.

However, in order to have a locker I need a lock and I am too poor to buy a lock.

Today on the way in the house I discovered a Master Lock sitting on the step. This lock must have been planted by an evil genius who knew the painstaking measures that I would go to in order to unlock the lock.

I looked on the internet (naturally) and found a Master Lock website. In order get the lock combo I have to:
Print a form off the internet
Fill out the form and have said form NOTARIZED
Make a copy of the back of the lock and mail all of this to the company
Wait six weeks for the code
Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?!? Who does this?

So I kept searching until BINGO I found a site that teaches you how to narrow the number of combinations from 64,000 to 100.
I follow all the steps.... Nothing
I reread all the steps and follow.... Nothing.

Now I have invested three hours in this so I have no choice but to take the lock and the stupid piece of paper to a notary so that I can send it into the company to get the combination so that I can refer back to the scribbles of paper and see if I was even close to that I can validate the last three hours by saying Ha Ha Ha I knew I almost had it.

Watch I will get the combo and the stupid thing will be jammed.

Later OCD fans!


At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:09 PM, Blogger jason said...


You can take a master lock to any locksmith. They have a book like a phone book with a list of all the serial numbers and the combinations. It takes 1 minute.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Valerie said...

You mean I'm not the only one getting chubby?

I'm in good company then :)


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