Wednesday, October 27, 2004

And you call your son a freak!!!

First I would like to say Happy Birthday to Alex. I did not forget I just kept remembering at inconvenient times. Fortunately I now live with a computer so I can rectify such situations before the clock strikes midnight (central time of course). So, Happy Birthday!

Next I would like to congratulate Ed and Val on the birth of their beautiful twin boys on October 20th. I would also like to apologize to Val for making her have twins. Ask Jason and he can explain the connection.

Now for the real deal.... What kind of unhealthy environment are you people raising my nephew in that you would put dear sweet Tigger in such a compromising condition? Tigger is a good and wholesome feline with no litter box or water bowl issues.

I want Tigger to be returned.... holeless.... Spell check that!

It is the policy of the United Personalities of Skylar not to negotiate with Tigger terrorists. So I will take my chances that you will come to your senses, look into the loving eyes of my nephew and realize that someday I will tell him about this and even show the pictures. Is that the image you want to portray?

If Tigger is not returned, Tracey has given me alternative costume ideas:

1. Black Eyed Pea - Get a green shirt, paint a black pea in the middle and color my eye black. (Get it mom, I think this is grammatically correct)

2. Chest of Drawers - Safetypin tighty whiteys to my shirt.

3. Identity Crisis - Get a pad of Hello, My Name is stickers and some Sharpies. Put different names on the stickers and place them on your body. Be sure to include Sybil.

Now that the comedy minutes is over,

I am glad to see that Jaime was not in the Tigger costume or I would then know to abandon all hope. Alex, however, will get hot, tired and itchy within a matter of minutes and Tigger will be strategically placed in a box (lined with clean trash bags and bubble wrap) and mailed to me!

If this does not work for the kidnappers I do have a neurotic replacement feline with litter box and water bowl issues that I would gladly mail to you as an exchange. I will wrap him in trash bags and bubble wrap if it suits you.


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