Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The loved and the lonely

I am lonely. No matter how much quality time I spend with my cat he does not do the trick. I am still lonely.

Recently I was talking to a married man about his wife. He was talking about their bumpy courtship and how people said that they would not make it. This is of course the setting for a lovely romance.

After nearly twenty years he said, "I don't know if she would say she has no regrets but I know I sure don't." She of course has no regrets, with five beautiful children who has the time. What I loved most was how he summed up his love and commitment.

"I start a fire, I cook breakfast every morning and I take her out to dinner once a week. The other stuff is great but it fades after awhile."

I am lonely. I want to have a man that cooks me breakfast and does not get upset when I growl at him in the morning. I know that I am only 25 and that I need to focus on school and blah blah blah. But for today, for this spot in time, this little period in my life I want to embrace my loneliness.

I hope that when I am approaching twenty years that I will remember my loneliness and look at my man and perhaps I will smile instead of grumble over breakfast.

So whether you are the loved or the lonely today will be the day to embrace that and if you are loved remember the lonely and if you are lonely look forward to the loved.


At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very beautiful blog today, Baby Doll. I know this will sound old & father-like, but I am a card-carrying member. You are going to meet someone wonderful. Someone who will know how you deserve to be treated, someone who will love & honor you as much as you do him.
Be patient, dear. Continue to live your life, doing the things you love, and you will meet him.
I love you -


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