Thursday, January 13, 2005


I am just such a Freshman! Yesterday was my first day of school (thanks for the E-mail Brooke) and I woke up twelve! My face was broken out, of course unlike when I was twelve I knew how to apply makeup to cover it up.

I left forty-five minutes early so that I could get gas and coffee and because I was worried about parking. The dean said that there was not a parking problem on our campus but I am not entirely sure that he had ever been to the campus before because there is definitely a problem. So after driving around for twenty minutes I found a metered spot.

I got inside and found my classroom but still had fifteen minutes so I walked around the halls trying to look very interested in the flyers in the wall. Finally the classroom opened and I went inside.

About two minutes before class started I noticed that I had change in my pocket. Hmm why is there change in my pocket? Oh yeah for the meter...OH YEAH THE METER. The frosh didn't feed the meter.

After I left both classes and lugged my fifty pound monogrammed bookbag the three blocks to the car where I got to revel in the glory of a ten dollar ticket.

Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this my mama said!


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