Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Countdown Continues

24 hours 37 minutes


I got (drum roll please)

Four A's and one B... The one B was in Macro Econ a class not actually about Macro Econ hence the B.

Movie Extravaganza

We have been frequenting the movies this week. Monday we went to see Narnia, Tuesday King Kong and Wednesday Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (I'm sure you are asking how that last one got thrown in to the mix but it was a nice change of pace).

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 was everything that you expected it to be and nothing more. It was a funnyish family comedy with all the usual punch lines and sentimental moments. A nice family rental.

Narnia was good, long but good. It kept my interest and the children were amazing actors. The special effects were great but the battle scene was a little G rated and parts of the story line felt a little rushed and the creatures looked a lot like Lord of the Rings.

King Kong was the one movie I did not want to see. It was everything that Narnia should have been and more. 187 minutes and I hid under my baseball cap for 63 of them. The effects were unbelievable and the story line was frustrating, funny, frightening and in the end devastating. Bar None one of the best movies I have ever seen and will never watch again. For me that is always the mark of a good movie, when I leave feeling drained and satisfied to never see it again.

Well those are your reviews for this week, enjoy.

Let the countdown begin

59 hours and 9 minutes before I board the plane!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

When good cats.... Posted by Picasa

go bad!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 09, 2005

Christmas List

Here is my official 2005 Christmas list...

Books from the Barnes and Noble classics list (I would eventually like them in hardback but paperbacks read just as well).

Books in general (gift card to Barnes and Noble)

Winter Clothes (gift card to Old Navy)

Money for school (gift card to Walmart/or cash)

I will be happy with anything, giftcards do not imply a lack of creative present buying but more a vast knowledge of my inner urge to shop and my lack of fundage.

I need Christmas lists from others as well (please keep in mind that giving me a list will NOT ensure a present, sorry).

Snow Snow Snow, I totally lied to my dad (sorry dad) we got about 8 inches not 5. What do I care I have four wheel drive? THe four wheel drive came in a little too handy because I had to help open two stores today and it was my day off.  Posted by Picasa

This is our back porch...between the rungs you can see a child sledding down the 3 foot incline behind our house, children scream alot when they sled. Posted by Picasa

More snow on our back porch! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Manic Monday's

This semester, in am attempt to get through college with speed, I am taking 15 hours, i.e. 5 classes. I have all five classes on Monday with them tapering off until Friday I only have three...I have hated Monday's this semester which is particularly cruel since my birthday fell on a Monday this semester.

Yesterday, however, my hatred of Monday's hit a new level. Here was my day:

9:00 - Took Pyschology test
9:18 - Finished test, Thanked God for multiple choice
9:20 - Hit the library to finished putting final touches on Pearl Harbor speech
10:00 - Took Math test
10:50 - Turned in Math test with 2 problems unfinished
11:00 - Gave Pearl Harbor speech
12:00 - Met with group for final touches on Humanities presentation
12:40 - Ran to snack cart for carrot sticks and hot cocoa (don't want to pass out during my presentation)
1:00 - Ran through Humanities presentation with group
2:00 - Gave Humanities presentation to class
2:43 - Thanked God that I was done with the presentation and that I did not screw up the remotes for the videos and power point.
3:15-5:55 - Worked on take home Econ test
6:00 - Turned in Econ test and went home with massive headache
Thanked god for 10 hour parking!
8:30 - Fell asleep on couch watching Friends

My Monday's are over, next week I have four finals, only two that I am worried about. Next semester all of my classes will be on Tuesday, Thursday so I will have new days to hate!