Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Big League

There is a new Victoria's Secret store opening in Tyson's Corner and Krista and I have been asked to drive down and help work the opening. We will be there October 7th through the 10th and I am very scared and excited.

This is the big leagues. The District and Regional Managers will be there and they will need like a hundred and some odd people working there... wow. Yesterday I went and bought a power suit and a power jacket. I can't go to the big leagues wearing my scruffy, faded pants and my boxy jacket.

The company will be reimbursing us for the mileage there and back and will be putting us up in a hotel. We will also get a daily food allowance of $57.00. I am going to through my diet out the window and eat like a queen for those four days!!

I learned from our CSL that we will be staying at the Marriott but I am not sure which one since there two within walking distance from the mall. There is also a wide range of food in the mall and there are stores that I have never been to. I may not need the hotel, I may just stay in the mall!

Well, tata for now... I have much bigger with which to converse!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Dude... Kauffman Stadium sucks

Sorry, I know it is a pretty stadium and I will forever cherish the memories of going to my first MLB games there but Kauffman has nothing on Camden Yards. For that matter the Orioles have nothing on the Red Sox. I'll explain...

Yesterday, Krista, Adam and I drove the two hours to Baltimore to watch the Orioles and the Red Sox. Now originally when the tickets were purchased I opted for Red Sox on the weekend instead of Yankees on the weekday. If I knew then what I knew now. I also originally had planned on rooting for the Red Sox. They are a good team and I have more reason to root for them than the Orioles. Well, I did. Little did I know that the Red Sox and the Yankees would be tied and that I would so desperately want the Red Sox to loose. Nor did I know that by cheering for the Orioles at Camden Yards would actually put me in the minority.

So short story long, the Red Sox won. But the roar of the crowd was un-freaking-believable. I have now changed the parameters of my requirements for a permanent home. I want to raise my kids near baseball, real baseball. I think the Cubs at Wrigley Field would be what I am looking for. Die hard team fans but still close enough to drive home to see my family.

After the game we walked down to the field and all the players walked right by the lines of fans without so much as an acknowledgement and straight into the locker rooms. I hate that about the Red Sox, I have seen them on several occasions just ignore fans. Dude, you just won the game at least smile at us on your way in.

The real excitement was after the game though. We were walking to the car and an older lady missed the curb and fell. Her grandson went to help her up but she was bleeding, she lifted her pant leg and her skin on her knee was split from one side to the other. I had been holding a hooded sweatshirt so I stopped and wrapped it around her leg and held it on her wound. We took turns holding the wound and cleaning off our hands while we waited for the EMT to come and check her out. She was the sweetest lady, her name was Millicent and she was 85 and three quarters. This was her first MLB game and she was wearing a Boston hat. I stayed with her until the calvary arrived and then I said goodbye. She was so worried about ruining my jacket and about the fact that now she would have to go to the hospital and wouldn't be able to take her son out to eat. I told her to take him to the hospital cafeteria and not to worry about the jacket, it was a Walmart special.

We left the game and went down to the inner harbor and bummed around for a couple of hours. I love big cities because they are still open on Sunday nights. We shopped at the malls and listened to a street band. I bought some books at Barnes and Noble (which is big because there is no Barnes and Noble near here). We ducked into the Hard Rock Cafe and the ESPN Zone before making the two hour drive home.

All in all it was a lovely day. I love baseball!! Someday maybe I will post an ode to baseball.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Today will forever be known as

Baseball Day. I am off to church then to see the Orioles vs Red Sox!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I've had better days....

and today was one of them!! I woke up and finished my reading for Humanities. I got my school money and deposited it in the bank and then I went to the gym. There was a street fair going on about two blocks from the gym so I illegally parked and walked up and down the street. I bought an Empire apple that was deliscious. I didn't even get a ticket for parking illegally.

I hate to brag knowing what other people are suffering through but today is gorgeous. It is the kind of cool fall day when it seems like nothing can go wrong!!

Now I must go study or Monday will be a bad day....

Ohhh, one more thing, tomorrow will be even better cause it's Baseball Game Day!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Momma said there'd be days like this

Today is a bad day... well the bad has come in waves. There are days that I am on top of the world, I am in the right place and I have an amazing support group that loves me. Other days my support group seems too far and I feel like I am treading water.

I cannot expand on this because I do not entirely know what I mean but I feel like this is too small. Like what I am doing is too small. I am missing my mark and I do not know how to pinpoint it. I am searching for something that seems just out of my reach.

God give me arms that stretch and the courage and knowledge to stretch in the right direction. I am getting tired of circling.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Just one more

I love these photos....

Monday, September 19, 2005

What entertains me

This is why I love the Gilmore Girls. Here is a little backstory to help you understand the quotes... Lorelai is the mom, she had Rory when she was sixteen. Lorelai is a little crazy but in a fun way.

Lorelai: Hey, I have kind of a crazy idea.
Rory: Those are never comforting words coming from you.

Lorelai: Hey, you didn't wake me up.
Rory: I set the clock.
Lorelai: Yes, but see, the clock stops ringing once I throw it against the wall giving me ample time to fall back to sleep. You, however, never stop yapping no matter how hard I throw you, thus insuring the wake up process.

Rory: So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz?
Richard (Lorelai's father): Oh, people die, we pay. People crash, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay.
Lorelai: Well, at least you have your new slogan.

Lorelai: You ruined my joke.
Rory: Um, no, the punch line ruined your joke.

Just a little peek into my entertainment!

To Daddy....

Happy Happy Birthday
From Cyber Space to you
If Cyber Space had a Birthday
It would be happy....

No, wait Cyber Space would also need emotions... let me try again.

Happy Happy Birthday
From Cyber Space to you
If Cyber Space had emotions
It would be...

No, that doesn't rhyme....hmm this is harder than I thought.

Well, Happy Birthday anyway!!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

This is very cool...

Electrolux has an automower, it mixes the convenience of the automatic vacuum cleaner with the concept of a grazing animal. It grazes in your yard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, rain or shine, and it is self charging and fertilizes your yard without the smell!!!

He can't sleep without me

I don't know what the difference is between the 8 hours of sleeping time at night and the 14 hours of sleeping time during the day, but Noodle cannot or will not sleep at night without me. I cannot sleep and he came to curl up in my lap so that we can suffer together. Man, I am tired.

Even my cat is snoring

I can't sleep... I have had the hardest time sleeping lately. It is 2:30 in the morning and I am surfing the web... I don't even like to surf the web that much. I need sleep!!!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I want to go see a movie....

Just Like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon is playing at the local theaters so I started to look for reviews for it. This was one of the funniest:

"When it comes to romantic chemistry, they never quite mesh, no matter what twinkle effect Waters puts on the screen when Ruffalo's hand touches Witherspoon's ethereal plane."-- Rob Blackwelder, SPLICEDWIRE

There were more good reviews than bad and I like the actors so I think I might chance it. I will let you know if I have made a horrible mistake.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Free Storage

I saw a sign at a U-Haul storage center in Gettysburg that said:

"Free storage for thirty days for victims of Hurricane Katrina."

Because that is what they need, a place to store their hords of stuff all the way in Pennsylvania?!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Today on MSN

One of the options today on MSN was "Parenting Tips for a Newborn". Puts a whole new meaning to babies having babies.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I don't like my blog

It is boring and I am nott very funny in print. (I don't think I am funny in person but I am told the opposite alot.) I have been reading other blogs and came up with some options:

1. Have a child, of course this would create a whole new set of problems
2. Start typing in more swear words, again new set of problems, "Hi Grandma"
3. Get a more fascinating life, hmmm, I think I saw one in the LL Bean catalog, of course I am too poor to buy a masterlock and cat food so a life might be a bit out of reach

See again, not so much funny.

I love this guys pictures, especially this one.

I need to go study for Psychology. I have my first test in the morning. Wednesday and Friday we played PsychoJeopardy.

Friday was my first Math test and my first Speech speech.

This was just a quickie...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


In my favorites file I have organized my links into subfiles, Movies, Things to Buy, Blogs, Schools. Some of them I visit everyday, some I add more links to as I do research on the web, when I have a school project I might start a new file with links for that project, Judaism, Coffee Beans, etc.
My blog folder I visit daily but there are only a few blogs that I visit daily purely because I do not like to set myself up for any additional disappointment that I might feel if someone does not update daily (sorry if this is a way that I cause you additional disappointment).
I visit Dooce daily because I do not like to get behind on her posts or pictures, Jason I visit daily because I love my brother and my nephew and I seek out any information that I can get as to the goings on of their daily life.
There is a site that I visit regularly but for different reasons 1) I want to take my time and read all of the previous entries 2) because I keep hoping that there will be a new entry. Ball of Dirt is a web site that hosts travel blogs, people post pictures and stories from fascinating places. The one that I visit is Trevor Stokol's journey called These ARE the Good Old Days. Trevor kept this journal during his trip to Asia and Africa. Trevor vanished from Mt. Everest during the last week of his eight month trip. His family has called off the search and has resolved themselves to the fact that he was most likely trapped in an avalanche.
I try not to put discouraging or frightening images in my mind. I have learned that they do not ever leave and when you least expect it they will jump out and frighten you. I keep thinking about Trevor. I do not know him or his family but through this travel log you get to see pieces of a person who spent more of his 25 years on this earth living than most people who live to be 80 ever will. Somedays I think that is a sad unjustice and others I just pray that he is in a better place having an adventure that he never knew possible.

Evil Blog Comments

I love when people comment. I like feedback, moreover I like knowing someone is reading my blog. I save all my comments, so I was excited to see new comments in my e-mail. They all started by saying "Wow, great blog, I am going to bookmark this site. Here is a site you might enjoy save on carpet cleaning". So the compliment you then they bomb you with junk sites. So I have instituted a little letter reader thing on my comments so that I cannot get blog comment spam. There is a sentence I never thought I would type.

Later blog comment spam haters!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The $64,000 combination

I am poor. This is okay, I sacrificed having money so that I could go home to see my family. I only worked 3.78 hours the week I got back because school started so on Friday I only was paid for 3.78 hours. The truly sad part is that paycheck quadrupled the amount in my savings account.

I am getting chubby, well I have been progressively getting chubby over the last six years, slowly but steadily. One way to ward off future chubbiness and get rid of the existing chubbiness is to go to the YMCA and to eat healthier.

This weekend I was too poor to buy food so I ate ham and cheese sandwiches all weekend (not helping with the chubb).

In order to go to the YMCA I need to have a locker so that I can get ready at the YMCA because it is behind my school and I do not have the money to pay for the gas to go from the YMCA to my house and back to school.

However, in order to have a locker I need a lock and I am too poor to buy a lock.

Today on the way in the house I discovered a Master Lock sitting on the step. This lock must have been planted by an evil genius who knew the painstaking measures that I would go to in order to unlock the lock.

I looked on the internet (naturally) and found a Master Lock website. In order get the lock combo I have to:
Print a form off the internet
Fill out the form and have said form NOTARIZED
Make a copy of the back of the lock and mail all of this to the company
Wait six weeks for the code
Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?!? Who does this?

So I kept searching until BINGO I found a site that teaches you how to narrow the number of combinations from 64,000 to 100.
I follow all the steps.... Nothing
I reread all the steps and follow.... Nothing.

Now I have invested three hours in this so I have no choice but to take the lock and the stupid piece of paper to a notary so that I can send it into the company to get the combination so that I can refer back to the scribbles of paper and see if I was even close to that I can validate the last three hours by saying Ha Ha Ha I knew I almost had it.

Watch I will get the combo and the stupid thing will be jammed.

Later OCD fans!


"In the absence of strong, loving support from husbands, how do women cope?"

This was on a website that I was passing through. I have been holding on to it for a week hoping that I could come up with a clever reply. I guess that because I do not have a strong loving husband I will be unable to. Darn, I knew I was missing out on something.