Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cruelty to students

Cruelty is when the professors of my five classes get together and ruin my weekend off my scheduling FIVE tests the week after. Sleep is no longer an option. I had to run my big mouth and tell everyone that this semester would be straight A's. I failed to mention that I would need a straight jacket. I'm not sure how people with kids manage this, I want to send the cats to the neighbors for the weekend.

Well back to studying.

What was that sound you ask?

This is the sound of my heart breaking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Happy St. Valentines Day

Monday, February 13, 2006

Seven things or less...

Oops, I was tagged by Val in January and I didn't even know it. In all fairness she did tag me while I was on vacation and per section 4 article 285lmnop of the bloggers manual I am not required to keep current on blogs while on vacation. Sorry Val I will try harder and thanks to Jason for pointing out my faux pas.

7 things I want to do before I die
1. Go to Greece
2. Learn to trust my family to love me no matter what
3. Have the courage to stick to my convictions 95% of the time
4. Learn to let others help me
5. Be a good aunt
6. Find my inner creativity and let it loose in a way other than organizing files
7. Learn to play more than one song on a musical instrument.

7 things I can't do
1. Pee standing up
2. Admit that I can't do something
3. Let people help
4. Stop organizing my DVD's
5. Stop feeling guilty for wrongs I have commited in the past
6. Stop picking at people
7. Stop telling people when I am right

7 things that attract me to other people
1. Smell
2. Honesty
3. The ability to make me laugh
4. Open Mind
5. The ability to put up with me
6. Brains
7. Heart

7 things I say most often
1. Seriously, why did that seem like a good idea?
2. See how....
3. For the love of all things good and merciful on this earth, why?
4. You people are making crazy today.
5. Yeah there's alot of inbreeding going on.
6. I just booked my one way ticket on the short bus.
7. Are you freaking kidding me?

7 books or series I love
1. Bridge to Terabithia
2. A Wrinkle in Time
3. People Magazine
4. Anna Karenina (at least the first 452 pages were good)
5. Pride and Prejudice
6. Traveling Mercies
7. The Babysitters Club

7 movies I can watch over and over
1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun
3. Under the Tuscan Sun
4. Love Actually
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's
6. Sound of Music
7. Yours, Mine and Ours
8. With Honors
9. A Walk to Remember
10. Say Anything

7 people I want to join in
1. Tracey
2. Jaime (third time's a charm)
3. Aunt Karen
4. I need to get to know more bloggers, maybe that should go on my first list

Well I guess I am done

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Why do birds suddenly appear...

It was odd to wake up to the sound of bird chirping on the day that we are supposed to get a blizzard of biblical proportions.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dude, I'm on the web

Today in Computer class we had to add a hyperlink to a Word document. Our teacher suggested using our name:


I then tried




I wonder who else is out there.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Today we mourn the dearly departed

The day has finally come when we must say goodbye to someone that we have come to love and cherish. After nearly five years together tonight marks the passing of my comforter. I know, you are thinking, seriously she is posting about her comforter, and the answer is yes, yes I am.

In May of 2001 I was getting ready to move into a house with a friend from work. I needed a new comforter and a women at work said that she had a comforter that she never used. A down comforter. I told her I would buy it and her husband told her that she couldn't take money for something they didn't use so she gave me a very expensive, never used, down comforter for free, it was love at first sight. For the past five years there have been very few nights that I did not sleep under this comforter.

I actually had it shipped here when I moved. All of my cousins now have a down comforter as a result of sleeping under mine. When they were all home last year at Christmas I was constantly searching rooms to find my missing comforter.

The only problem with the comforter was that it was white and I am a mess. I have a tendency to put my makeup on, or study while sitting in my bed, or I pull the comforter to the couch for a movie night so over the years the comforter has received several washing and a handful of permanent marks.

About three months ago I noticed that the comforter was leaking feathers so I searched and found a small tear and repaired it. A few weeks after that I noticed another tear and repaired that. In early December I found myself sitting in bed with a needle and thread trying to patch all of the holes. Finally I found a duvet cover and thought I had spared myself the grief of throwing away my beloved comforter, last night I tried to take the cover off so that I could wash it and I noticed a large number of feathers so I left the comforter in the cover and threw them both into the wash. Today I opened the dryer door and found a bird in the lint trap so I set everything outside hoping that the sun would dry everything and save the comforter but tonight I looked to see the damage and found that the comforter had tried to escape all over the back porch and into the neighbors yard.

So with a heavy heart and taps playing in my mind, I pulled the empty carcass of a once glorious comforter out of the duvet cover and threw it in the trash.

Tonight we mourn the dearly departed, comforter, you kept me warm in the winter and cool in the summer, you caught my tears when I was sad and you gave my cat a comfortable place to spend 23 hours a day sleeping. I have enjoyed making you a part of my cherished sleep and I appreciate the abuse that you took every morning when I threw you onto the ground in protest of being made to wake up. You made reading books in bed more comfortable and you gave my eyes protection during the scary scenes on movie nights. I tried to patch and protect you from the thinning of your shell but in the end old age won the war.

Do not go softly into that dark night but rage, rage against the dying of the light. I will visit you in the trash can every night before bed, well, every night between now and Monday when the trash people will take you away, you will be on your own then but know that Noodle and I will miss you terribly and will tremble at night because we live in a basement in Pennsylvania and I just threw out our comforter.