Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... we went from summer to winter literally overnight. We had one fall day and I think is was a fluke. The rain will not stop and it is cold rain and I walk a long ways from my car to the college in the cold rain. Yuck....

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I am so smart

I may not like school but I am doing well. I got a 95% on my Speech midterm and a 93% on my Humanities midterm. I am getting 3 A's and 2 B's as of right now!!!

In Her Shoes

I was having a down day the other day so I went to see In Her Shoes. It was a cute matinee, chick flick. It starts a little rough but ends nice and sweet. There are not alot of surprises and there are no Academy Awards in the future but sometimes you need a movie like that.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

More reason's to love Gilmore Girls

You have to watch the show to catch the full wit but here is a jist... Emily is a very uptight, rich, perfectionist whose daughter Lorelai got pregnant at 16 and refused to marry the guy. Lorelai is now in her thirties...

Emily: You have the word "Juicy" on your rear end.
Lorelai: Uh... Well. If I'd known you were coming over, I would have changed.
Emily: Into what? A brassiere with the word "Tasty" on it?

Lorelai: My mother - she was here. I can feel it.
Rory: Grandma hasn't been here.
Lorelai: Smell that?
Rory: Smell what?
Lorelai: The room - it smells like guilt and Chanel No. 5

[Lorelai answers her cell phone] Lorelai: Hello?
Emily: You get over here right now!
Lorelai: Who is this?
Emily: This is you in twenty years! "Who is this?", I swear!

Lorelai: Independence Inn.
Emily: You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work.
Lorelai: Sorry. Independence Inn, major disappointment speaking. Better?

Thanks for watching!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Maybe my life is not supposed to be measured in traditional job success. I think I am shooting for the wrong target. Maybe I will not leave behind a trophy case or a list of conventional triumphs. Instead, maybe it is the way that I will change the people around me that will matter, but even then, I do not think that I will make a splash, perhaps just a wave. A wave is nice.

I do not like college. I like learning but I prefer to learn on my own, my own material. Maybe it is just the community college that I do not like but either way. I have turned my brain back on and I will continue to nurture and I promise to never again allow myself to stop learning but college is not for me. However, I have gone too far to just quit, so I will finish but not with a grand degree just a degree.

I feel bad sometimes that I am wasting this life. So many amazing people had just started to take a bite out of their lives when it was pulled away from them. Why should they loose theirs and I still get mine?! From now on, I will remember the lives that I admired even if the admiration started after they died. While they made splashes I will make waves, but waves are good.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Home Again, Home Again

and I do not feel like doin' the jig..... more later, must sleep.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

365 Days

Today is my one year anniversary of taking my life, flipping it upside down, and shaking it real hard. I had a large emotional post all prepared for this anniversary but life is in full swing so I don't have time to. I guess that is a good sign of my new life.

Work and school have me running like a chicken with my head cut off. This weekend Krista and I are driving to Tyson's Corner for the grand opening. We just got our schedule and we work 2-close Friday and Saturday; 12-8 Sunday; and 9-5 Monday. We are excited about the size of the mall and the Starbucks that is in it. We are also siked about the $57 a day food allowance. Free food is good food, although I am learning in Macroeconomics that no food is really free food.

Well, I must run and do homework, happy anniversary to me!