Thursday, January 27, 2005

Guess who got a 96% on her first Spanish test?!

If you had to read further to get the answer... get out of my blog! Kidding, but seriously with cognitive functions like that you would not have received as high of a score!

In less fun news, the cold weather is staying and I am getting sick... I did not schedule sick time!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Bible Belt... It's not just an accessory you wear on Sunday's

I always think of fun post titles throughout the day. I write them down on whatever piece of paper I have near me. My school notes are loaded with little notes, but I always forget to actually post these titles when I get home. Nothing super exciting has happened lately so I never know what to post about.

We are expecting snow... anywhere from 4 to 40 inches. You would think they could have narrowed that down a bit, or just split the difference and call it 22 inches. Either way it is frightening. I have to work tonight and tomorrow so I woke up early today (yes nine is early on a Saturday) to go to Walmart to buy cat supplies. In case we are snowed in Noodle needs food and fresh cat litter.

I turned in my first paper for Comp. and I have a test on Tuesday in Spanish. I am doing okay with everything as little pieces but I am overthinking the putting it together. Oh well.

Everyone went home last weekend. Shawn and Janelle headed out Sunday afternoon for Liberty. Kenny, Marla, Tanner and Trisha left that morning for Grove City. Trisha has applied to Grove City (much to Tanner's dismay) and had a school tour on Monday, so it just left me and Pernille. I picked her up after work and we went to eat Chinese food. I was going to write an ode to Chinese food post but I could think of an eloquent way to rhyme, Shrimp with Peanuts. We ate until we were ready to explode and then I ate Chinese for every meal the next three days. I think we got too much!

Well I guess there is not much more. I am going to go to Walmart now.
I would say it in Spanish but I don't know how.

Now I can rhyme!

Thursday, January 13, 2005


I am just such a Freshman! Yesterday was my first day of school (thanks for the E-mail Brooke) and I woke up twelve! My face was broken out, of course unlike when I was twelve I knew how to apply makeup to cover it up.

I left forty-five minutes early so that I could get gas and coffee and because I was worried about parking. The dean said that there was not a parking problem on our campus but I am not entirely sure that he had ever been to the campus before because there is definitely a problem. So after driving around for twenty minutes I found a metered spot.

I got inside and found my classroom but still had fifteen minutes so I walked around the halls trying to look very interested in the flyers in the wall. Finally the classroom opened and I went inside.

About two minutes before class started I noticed that I had change in my pocket. Hmm why is there change in my pocket? Oh yeah for the meter...OH YEAH THE METER. The frosh didn't feed the meter.

After I left both classes and lugged my fifty pound monogrammed bookbag the three blocks to the car where I got to revel in the glory of a ten dollar ticket.

Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this my mama said!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


It's rainin' men, Hallelujah,
It's rainin'.....

Oh wait that's just snow!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

It's the end of the world!

My life as I know it was shattered today when the shocking news of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston calling it quits reached my computer screen. I was joking when I said that they should share the beauty. Take it back, hoard the beauty for as long as you can. We don't mind really.

What will I do? How will I live without seeing my favorite friend with her hot husband? Who will I live vicariously through? How can I get Brad my phone number with a note to call if he needs some company?

Oh why cruel fate, why?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I went to school today and got all of my books. I already went through part of chapter one in Spanish. The Comparative Religion is going to be very fascinating. I will studying religions that I did not know existed.

Grandma, Grandpa and Dad left early this morning. It was so weird driving away from the airport with Marla. I felt like I should have been getting on the plane with them or that I should have been saying goodbye to Marla and driving home with Grandma and Grandpa. I am really here.
Having dad surprise me was awesome. Thursday we went to NYC. This time around we drove to Princeton and took a train into Penn Station. We saw Central Park and Rockefeller Center along with a lot of other great stuff. My favorite was Washington Square Park, it felt like home. Maybe someday!

That is all for now. I am going to go clean my room and read more Spanish. Adios!